Luggage Not Included | Jailene Mercado

Brand Identity Revamp

Moodboard with Tape Jailene.jpg

Luggage not Included is a entrepeneur-run online business supporting other entrepeneurs with Web Design and Content Creation for their brands to help them manage their online presence.

For Luggage Not Included, I was asked to do a re-brand of the original branding. I focused on taking inspiration from the original braning colours and coming up with a more modern, refreshed look.

Proposed Rebrand of Website Designed on Squarespace.

Left: Inspiration Moodboard for the rebrand of Luggage Not Included

Original Branding & Website (Before)


New Branding & Website

Fresh new Branding Board & Brand Style Guide drawn up for Luggage Not Included.

Fresh new Branding Board & Brand Style Guide drawn up for Luggage Not Included.

Porposed Website style, designed on Squarespace.

Porposed Website style, designed on Squarespace.


Black Lives Matter Event